Saturday, 8 January 2011

Janathon days 7 and 8

I'm afraid I only managed to do 20 mins on the elliptical trainer last night, just before going to bed!! (technically still blogged within 24 hours of doing it!!).

Today has been a bit frantic because we put our lovely house up for sale, so the was much hiding things in cupboards and under stairs for the photographs!
Doug and I took Polly out for a brisk and windy walk covering approx 2 miles for my janathon contribution.

Gotta go...will blog properly tomorrow.

See the activity on RunSaturday
Type:Cross - Elliptical
Distance:3.50 mi

See the activity on RunSaturday
Type:Walk - Social
Distance:2.00 mi


  1. Hey - don't sell yourself short! Just 20 mins on an elliptical trainer indeed. A fabulous 20 mins of exercise that you fitted in despite being in the middle of preparing to put your house on the market would be a better description.

  2. I agree - well done!

  3. Yep just like abradypus said - you managed to fit 20 mins into a day where you'd otherwise have done nothing. And understandably so... that sounds like a day where you'd be more than busy! Congrats.

  4. Nice one :o) Cross-training is good to do!
